#SpigelianHernia is a rare abdominal #Hernia. It generally occurs in individuals who are in their 50s or 60s. The front part of our stomach region has a muscle called #Rectus #abdominis which runs vertically from the ribs to the pubic area. One more muscle that runs horizontally is #Transvers abdominis. If the abdominal content (intestine or fatty tissues) protrudes through the gap between the two muscle layers of the abdomen in the lateral region, the Hernia is termed as #Spigelian #Hernia. This Hernia type however can be diagnosed accurately only by a CT Scan as no typical bulge is manifested unlike other abdominal Hernias. This Hernia is extremely rare and is generally found in less than 1% of the population.
#RareHernia #drmaran #gastrochennai #SpringfieldWellnessCentre
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