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Showing posts from November, 2018

Metabolic Surgery in Chennai Metabolic Surgery is suggested for individuals with normal weight (BMI below 30) but have severe uncontrolled diabetes. This indeed works and this surgery type aimed at reducing severe diabetes is termed as Metabolic Surgery. Medically the surgery is termed as Ileal Interposition. People with uncontrolled diabetes may also suffer from other co-morbid conditions like hypertension, cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc, Metabolic surgery is also said to bring down other co-morbid conditions. #MetabolicSurgery #Diabetes #Comorbid #Comorbidity

Signal to your brain to shed fat

It is not a simple process to make our body shed the unwanted fat it has accumulated over years. It is complex process where it requires the brain to send proper signals to activate the metabolic process of shedding the fat. Top among the reasons is the signal the brain has to receive that good fat is coming in regularly to the body in the form of a healthy diet. There are many other reasons like workout to the body, keeping yourself active, being psycologically positive and many such attributes. The other core element is doing all the right things consistently so that the body is surely and definitely put on a fat burning mode. #Fitness #FatMetabolism #WeightLoss #DailyWorkout #gastrosurgeon ‪#‎SpringfieldWellnessCentre #drmaran