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Showing posts from December, 2018

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is also called weight loss surgery. When people become extremely obese (BMI above 40) and also develop co-morbid conditions, it is not possible to manage their weight. Change in lifestyle and dieting are no more enough for them to sustain the weight loss. Physical activities are almost impossible. Hence a surgical approach gives more hope for the severely and very severely obese individuals. Dr Maran of Springfield Wellness Centre is a top bariatric surgeon in Chennai, India and he has experience performing all the types of bariatric surgeries.

About Piles and Piles Treatment in Chennai

Metabolic Surgery General  Information on Metabolic Surgery The surgery type is suggested for individuals with normal weight (BMI below 30) but have severe uncontrolled diabetes. The metabolic surgery for diabetes aims at reducing severe diabetes for non-obese patients. Medically the surgery is termed as Ileal Interposition. People with uncontrolled diabetes may also suffer from other co-morbid conditions like hypertension, cholesterol, sleep apnea, etc. Reports say that metabolic surgery for diabetes also brings down other  co-morbid  conditions. Video Player 00:00 04:53 How  does a Metabolic Surgeon perform a Metabolic surgery? The surgical procedure involves bringing the distal (end part) part of the small intestine (ileum) nearer to the proximal (first part) part somewhere nearer to the stomach. It is basically a type of malabsorption procedure. ...