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Showing posts from June, 2018

How much weight do you lose after Bariatric Surgery?

How much weight do you lose after Bariatric Surgery? This is the most important question of all times lingering in the mind of an individual who is morbidly obese and is planning to undergo a bariatric surgery. So how much weight does one exactly reduce after undergoing weight loss surgery? “On an average an individual may lose up to 70% of his excess weight”, says Dr Maran who does bariatric surgery in Chennai regularly. Subtracting your actual weight from the ideal weight gives excess weight. Consequently, the ideal weight is the weight your body should be for your age and height. You can calculate your ideal weight from the BMI charts available online. Weight loss progresses at a steady pace. Hence you need to measure weight loss after six months, nine months, one year, one and a half years and two years. It is even better to measure and check the weight loss every three months. By two years, the patient who has undergone bariatric surgery would have lost up to 70% of the ex

Appendix Operation? What is that?

AsAppendix Operation – What is that? An inflammation or infection of the appendix needs the entire appendix to be removed by surgery. This surgical condition is termed as Appendicitis. The surgical removal of appendix is termed as Appendectomy. In common parlance the surgery is called appendix operation or simply appendix removal surgery. Appendectomy is done mainly by keyhole approach these days. It is referred as Laparoscopic Appendectomy or commonly referred as laparoscopic appendix removal surgery. It may be mentioned that in earlier days appendectomy was done by open surgery methods. Why Would Appendix Develop Inflammation? The reason for the inflammation of Appendix is generally unknown. It is widely believed that an obstruction to the lumen of the Appendix may be the reason. The obstruction to the lumen may be partial or complete. The obstruction is generally caused by the faecal matter which accumulates inside the appendix to cause inflammation. This inflammation exerts

Appendicitis in Children – The Challenges and Treatment

Appendicitis is common in the young population. But what happens if appendicitis may have occurred in children as young as four or five years old? Children that young may not exactly tell what the pain is all about and it becomes the duty of the paediatrician or physician to observe the symptoms carefully and report. The Challenges of Diagnosing Appendicitis in Children Though children between 10 and 20 are more prone to get appendicitis than children who are less than 10 years old, the incidence of appendicitis have been reported for children as young as three to four years old. So be prepared to watch out for symptoms whenever the child complains of stomach pain. Pain is followed by other symptoms like vomiting and fever. The child will have loss of appetite and may at times have diarrhoea. In most cases the children come with complications like perforations that may lead to sepsis. This is solely due to delay in diagnosis. The overlapping of childhood related medical sickn