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Showing posts from May, 2018

What are liver stones? Differences between liver stones and gallstones

Though gallstones and liver stones are used interchangeably, the liver stones we are referring here are strictly the stones that are found in the liver and not in the gallbladder. A simple Google search would leave us confused because they are used interchangeably and most liver stones are referred as only gallstones. So what are the differences between liver stones and gallstones?

The Connection between Obesity and Infertility

Men and women are affected by obesity alike and infertility is rampant among the obese. When obesity occurs, multiple factors come into play affecting the reproductive capacity of men and women. In this article we are attempting to give a broad view of those factors and establish in clear terms that men and women who are obese should always aim to keep their body weight under control to maintain good fertility. Understanding HPG Axis HPG stands for Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis. Hypothalamus, pituitary and gonad are endocrine glands that produce ranges of hormones that are required to regulate the various bodily functions. Though these glands are present at various places in the body anatomically, they act in sync to such an extent that they are referred as HPG axis. HPG axis and the production of hormones thereof controls such body functions like reproduction, immunity, and others. The interesting thing about this axis is, one hormone controls the production of other and...

Effective ways to beat your cravings

Overweight and moderately obese people who do not have any co-morbid conditions are full of hope to come over the ill-effects of obesity by changing their lifestyle and food habits. People who underwent bariatric surgery sometimes find it difficult to control their cravings. This craving can spoil the entire benefits accrued due to bariatric surgery. Here are few tips on how to effectively beat your cravings.

The Different Types of Bariatric Surgery – A Complete Guide

Bariatric surgery is essentially a treatment for obesity. The incidence of obesity is steadily on the rise and in many countries, the percentage of the population that falls under the bracket of overweight and obese has reached alarming levels. While we are aware that human body best responds to proper diet and work out regimens, it has to be borne in mind that people who are morbidly obese have constraints and can neither maintain a diet nor have ease in performing workouts. This puts them in a tight spot and the only scientifically available option before such individuals is a bariatric surgery, also called weight loss surgery. Let us dig further and understand fully. rent-types-bariatric-surgery-complete-guide/